Revolution in the Air

Revolution in the Air

Yesterday, we officially kicked off Ellucian Live 2016 talking about our host city Denver. Last month, Metro Denver Economic Development Corporation CEO Tom Clark told the New York Times “In the 1980s, we were Coors, Carbon, and the Cold War.” Today, Denver is home to myriad companies at the forefront of a new era of technological innovation – what the World Economic Forum has dubbed the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Like its predecessors, the Fourth Industrial Revolution is driven by technology. But it stands apart because of the increased velocity, scope and impact of change. In just a few short years, smartphones, industrial robotics, and the Internet of Things will look like business as usual when compared to ubiquitous 3-D printing, self-driving cars, and new forms of Artificial Intelligence.

These leaps forward will present a pressing need for newly skilled and educated workforce. If we in higher education fill that need, we can reinvigorate the middle class and close the global economic equality gaps that have been growing for the last 45 years. Our collective future depends on our ability to drive student success. It’s a call to action that we must answer.

With the help of Microsoft’s Vice President, World Wide Education Anthony Salcito and Ellucian’s own Kim Fisher, we explored three Ellucian eCRM products that can help us rise to the challenge. Via demos of Ellucian Recruit, Advise, and Advance, we followed a student through the entire higher education lifecycle – helping her apply for acceptance, overcome educational hardships, and, finally, turn her success into opportunities for more students via a generous donation back to her school.

Then, Magic Johnson closed Monday’s General Session with a rousing speech that touched on technology’s role in helping disadvantaged students reach their full potential. It was a moving discussion – and Magic even managed to squeeze in nine or ten “selfies” with audience members during his remarks!

All in all, Monday at Ellucian Live 2016 was as exciting and informative as it was fun. And Tuesday promises to give Monday a run for its money.

Ellucian Live 2016 Magic Johnson
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